martes, 31 de julio de 2012

Sube y pedalea !

Me estoy comiendo un sandwich ¿quieres las migajas tambien? xD

Skin  : [ Al Vulo! ] - [ Julia ] - New!
Eyes / Lashes : [ Al Vulo! ] AL Vulo! * Valkyria Aqua Mesh New!
Hair : (r)M ~ Hair(Mesh) No.05 ( c o o l B l o n d s /w L o c k s ) New!
Overall : *Tentacio* circus day, stuff in stock New!
Poses : :: Focus Poses Fuck You Set :: New!


Skin  : [ Al Vulo! ] - [ Julia ] - New!
Eyes / Lashes : [ Al Vulo! ] AL Vulo! * Valkyria Aqua Mesh New!
Sweater : [Town] Mesh Off Shoulder Sweater - Gray New!!

lunes, 30 de julio de 2012


Skin : [ Al Vulo! ] - [ Julia ] -New!
Outfit : Belote - Top & Pant New!
Necklace :..:: Bens Beauty ::.. Slipper Love Necklace 
Bangles : ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. My Way Bangles 
Ring : ..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Square Rings
Nails :..:: BenS Beauty ::.. Perfect Nail 

I am fucking princess

Hair : (r)M ~ meshHair No.03 ( g o l d e n B r o w n s /w L o c k s ) New!
Skin : ::Modish:: ShweeterU-candy- {PRF) 
Shape : *ANNA SHAPES* .:: Designer Circle ::.33nd - 
Top : !Admiral Spicy! Loos Mesh Top (Princess) New!
Skirt : Jeans Black Mini Skirt Mesh SPLASH for [ Vanity Fair ]
Poses : FOCUS POSES New!


Skin : [ Al Vulo! ] - [ Candy ] - [ Summer sunset ] for The Dressing Room
Dress : !Admiral Spicy!Mesh Summer Dream Dress
Earring & Necklace : [SaKrO] Gypsy/BP [ Vanity Fair ]
Shoes :  Shoes Rose - 12colors / REDGRAVE (RGP0340007)


Top : *Tentacio* Darcy top [ Vanity Fair ]
Short : *Tentacio* Denim shorts [ Vanity Fair ]
Bag : *Tentacio* Nina bag [ Vanity Fair ]
Earring & Necklace : [SaKrO] Gypsy/BP [ Vanity Fair ]
Mouth : * Rivendell * Flower Umbrella - 

My animation


~*~   JULY Dance GIFT  -  Dance MY ANIMATION ~*~ 

domingo, 22 de julio de 2012


Hair : Clawtooth: Cosmic Love Hair Fair 
Skin : [MC] fi*Fridays Skin-Kelly ηєω dιѕcoυɴт
Eyes : [ Al Vulo! ] - [  eyes ] - [ Fatpack Valkyria ] ηєω
Top : Things for Woman Gift - Tentacio. Mia top ғree
Pants : ^^Moulliez SLH 2012 Gift Female ғree
Bangles : **...:::SCRUB:::...Paz ғree
Poses : :: Focus Poses Model 83 :: ηєω


Dress : :::LP::: Primal Eyes (Tiger) MESH ηєω
Shoes : ArisAris Odamae Fat pack Shoes ηєω

Hands on Me

Top : *Tentacio* Eva top ηєω
Skirt : *Tentacio* Fanny skirt pink ηєω
Pose : :: Focus Poses :: Model 84 ηєω


Skin : G O L A \ Pamela - @Acid Lily ηєω
Hair : GOTZSCHE Hair. Elizabeth GIFT  Hair Fair 2012 ғree
Eyeliner : :F: Serious - EyeLiner + EyeShadow ηєω
Dress : - piccara - White Lacey Dress (Stuff in Stock) dιѕcoυɴт 
Pose : G O L A \ White vs Black@Stuff in Stock (Stuff in Stock) dιѕcoυɴт 

sábado, 21 de julio de 2012

WiTh mE

Siempre contigo, siempre conmigo, donde y cuando sea...
Siempre a menos cero, mi todo...
:: Focus Poses ::  Male  14 & 15 New!
~CandyMetal~ Sexy Boxer Mesh! 3 styles (Colors 0-3) New!

υѕє уσυя вяαιη ( ғree)

Skin : [ Al Vulo! ] - [ Julia ] - [ Fatpack sunkissed ] ηєω
Hair : (Milana) - Hair Fair 2012 Goodies ғree
Top : *Tentacio* Zombi top July giftt ғree
Pants : Blueberry Essy *Mesh* Skinny Jeans ғree
Flats : DeColores Inc.Go Bananas Suede  Flats ғree
Tattoo :   DeColores Inc.  Group Gift Tattoo ғree
Bangle : pr!tty - Summer Colorful Bangles - Gift!  Hair Fair 2012  ғree
Earring : pr!tty : Native American Girl - Feather Earring - Gift!  Hair Fair 2012  ғree
Pose : :: Focus Poses :: Model 82 ηєω

jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

ALwaYs +

~CandyMetal~ Men Jeans Mesh Dark & Tank Top For Men Skull #3
 Men Jeans Mesh With Blet Ripped Light & Tank Top For Men Surman New!
:: Focus Poses :: Male Set 12_1 & Set 12_2


Hair : /Wasabi Pills/ Zoey Mesh Hair -  New!
Skin : [ Al Vulo! ] - [ Julia ] - [ Fatpack sunkissed ] New!
Outif : *May's Soul* Raven for Gorean Room New!
Poses : :: Focus Poses Party Set :: New!

miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012


*Tentacio* Selma Overall

I love you, You love me

.:. Seil Xpression .:.  I could be all you need

.:. Seil Xpression .:.  I'm hooked on you

.:. Seil Xpression .:.  I love you, You love me 

.:. Seil Xpression .:.  Hearbeat


Outfit : *{ SeVered GarDeN }* Eiko - sky New!
Skin : MOJO
Poses : :: Focus Poses Model 77 :: New!


Skin : G O L  A \ Sandy (July Group GIFT)
Dress : *So&So Viveros Carmen New!


Vest : - piccara - Buttoned Vest New!
Skirt :  - piccara -  Mini Skirt Teal (Mesh) New!
Polaroid : ~Pepper~ Polaroid -private room-
Earrings : [EY:NO] Summer Earring New!
Poses : :: Focus Poses Model 76 :: New!


Outfit : Capris pants spring Mesh Splash Store  New!
Accesorios : 
~Pepper~ Kiss Me Necklace -private room-
~Pepper~ Choco Stick -private room-
Poses : 
:: Focus Poses Model 76 :: New!

Go Together

Pose : ::WetCat:: "Go Together" Boxed New!

I am YoUr SmiLe

ZaKar - BigTool FATPACK (Black Jeans, Blue Jeans and ligth blue jeans) New!
! Sneakers Miles - Classic / REDGRAVE (RGP2310001)

One Voice Demonstrate

Pose : PNP ~ One Voice Demonstrate

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012


Dress :*Anymore  Ruffles Dress_Black_One Voice EDIT
Shoes : N-core Triumph "One Voice" Edition (Graphite)

Curio's Gala Phoenix is currently in the midst of legal issues which have resulted in her content being removed from the grid, pending the outcome of her legal battle. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) process in Second Life requires that when there is legal action taken against your content, Linden Lab will remove it from the grid until a ruling is made. Gala's fellow content creators have come together to host a fundraiser to help with the substantial legal costs she will incur in contesting these baseless claims.

The fundraiser will be held from July 9-15.

This fundraiser is not only to help Gala Phoenix, but to also take a stand for the community of content creators, for many of whom SL is their main source of income. This could happen to any one of us, and it's necessary that we stand up and fight back to ensure that it doesn't.

We'd like to thank all of the talented designers who've generously participated and agreed to donate some or all of the proceeds from their sales, and we'd like to thank everyone who comes out for showing their support. 

July 9

Skin : [ Al Vulo! ] - [ Georgie ] - [ fatpack custard ] Tone Natural Blonde New!
Shirt : *Anymore Sleeveless Shirt July 9 Th! Free
Pants : Belote -High Pants - Blue New!
Shoes : N-core Shark II "One Voice" Edition (White) New!

Curio's Gala Phoenix is currently in the midst of legal issues which have resulted in her content being removed from the grid, pending the outcome of her legal battle. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) process in Second Life requires that when there is legal action taken against your content, Linden Lab will remove it from the grid until a ruling is made. Gala's fellow content creators have come together to host a fundraiser to help with the substantial legal costs she will incur in contesting these baseless claims.

The fundraiser will be held from July 9-15.

This fundraiser is not only to help Gala Phoenix, but to also take a stand for the community of content creators, for many of whom SL is their main source of income. This could happen to any one of us, and it's necessary that we stand up and fight back to ensure that it doesn't.

We'd like to thank all of the talented designers who've generously participated and agreed to donate some or all of the proceeds from their sales, and we'd like to thank everyone who comes out for showing their support. 

My Juicy Strawberry

G O L A \ My Juicy Strawberry@Stuff in Stock